The Radcliffe Club of San Francisco, founded in 1898, is the oldest and last remaining independent Radcliffe club in the world. Membership is open to all alumnae of the former Radcliffe College and to anyone who has been connected with any Harvard University department as a student, instructor or parent of a student. We are an official Harvard Alumni Association club.
Club activities include a lunch group, a film group, a book group, museum tours, writers' workshops and a speakers series. All activities are open to all members.
For monthly events newsletters and minutes of annual meetings, click on "For Members."
The user name is the name of our college. The password is the name of the street that runs between the Yard and the Quad. Both are lowercase. If you need help, please contact the website editor, Alison Boeckmann ([email protected])
For information about the former Radcliffe College and the use of the name "Radcliffe" by organizations of women at Harvard College, see the wikipedia entry. See also Radcliffe: From College to Institute.
NEW: Link from the Radcliffe Institute for Radcliffe College alumnae information
Club activities include a lunch group, a film group, a book group, museum tours, writers' workshops and a speakers series. All activities are open to all members.
For monthly events newsletters and minutes of annual meetings, click on "For Members."
The user name is the name of our college. The password is the name of the street that runs between the Yard and the Quad. Both are lowercase. If you need help, please contact the website editor, Alison Boeckmann ([email protected])
For information about the former Radcliffe College and the use of the name "Radcliffe" by organizations of women at Harvard College, see the wikipedia entry. See also Radcliffe: From College to Institute.
NEW: Link from the Radcliffe Institute for Radcliffe College alumnae information
(See event details in the February 2025 Newsletter -- click on "2025" in the red bar to your left)
HAA Shared interest Group (SIG) Showcase February 4-6
HAA Global Networking Night, hosted by Harvard Club of San Francisco, March 19, in person:
RCSF and HCSF members and non-members are welcome! Go to harvardclubsf.osrg for info on this and other HCSF events.
Radcliffe Institute Fellows: Throughout the year, the Fellows at Radcliffe Institute share updates on their research and projects. Check for upcoming events at and exhibitions
Speakers Series -
Club member Sarah Blafer Hrdy's December 7 talk about her new book Father Time: A Natural History of Men and Babies is available now on the RCSF website Speakers Series Recordings page (at If you need help with the access password please contact Kathy [email protected]
Book Group - Sunday, February 9 at 3 pm PST via Zoom
February's book is David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
March book is Persuasian by Jane Austen
Culinary Adventures - Wednesday, Feb 12 at 11:30 am
Max's Opera Cafe, 601 Van Ness Avenue
Film Group - Saturday March 1 at 1:30 pm Pacific via Zoom
Please email Lucille Poskanzer at [email protected] to receive the link
Writers' Workshops: Please contact Cynthia Travis [email protected]
Members may donate to the Radcliffe Club of San Francisco Scholarship Fund, the Schlesinger Library, and/or the Harvard College Women’s Center through the club via our membership form. Those who do so will receive credit from the university for their donations as individuals and as members of their college or graduate class.
Further information and donations to the Radcliffe College Alumnae Oral History Project are also available online. DECEMBER 2024 -- The 2024 $30,000 Matching Challenge Grant has been met!
Radcliffe Club of San Francisco Volunteer Opportunities: Members are invited to help organize and run the club's programs and projects. More hands make the workload lighter, and you know you will be working with smart women, right? We are looking for on-line event organizers to run our Speakers Series (a few sessions each year), good writers to update the club's history (some research involved), good organizers to help organize the club's files, and someone with financial expertise to be a Co-Treasurer.
Please contact Co-President Kathy Henschel [email protected] for information.
For the history of the Club, see
"WE ARE NOT EXTINCT, The First 100 Years of the Radcliffe Club of San Francisco"
( A pdf version rcsf.v2.pdf was uploaded on Oct 20, 2018. It may be easier to read if you download the pdf and use preview or the equivalent.)
The Schlesinger Library also has a copy of "WE ARE NOT EXTINCT"
See articles in the Crimson:
WE ARE NOT EXTINCT (November 8, 2018)
See Scientific American article about Elizabeth Cabot Agassiz, the founder and first president of Radcliffe College